Your first wedding dance
The first wedding dance of the newlyweds is the main highlight of the holiday.
Modern trends dictate careful and responsible preparation. Thoughtful dance moves and romantic music will create a unique atmosphere of a festive celebration.
Father and daughter, mother and son dances are performed at the wedding, sometimes the bride and bridesmaids, but the most important is the dance of the bride and groom. Preparation requires a careful approach, attention to detail, so that the dance takes place at the highest level. What should be taken into account when preparing?
Mandatory rehearsals with honing of each movement. You can only perform the dance that is brought to automatism. However, do not get hung up on ideality.
This program consists of private lessons and it is designed to make your first wedding dance memorable and emotionally touching.
Ease and enjoyment are the main goals of this action. The selection of a song for a wedding dance should depend not only on your personal taste, but also on the style of the dance.
Appropriate clothing should match the style of the dance you have chosen. A long fluffy dress is not at all suitable for active dances like rumba and salsa. Many people use variants of transformer dresses for such a case.
Dance shoes should be comfortable and comfortable, with low heels and with strong fasteners. Wedding shoes can be one, and for dancing - others. For a variety of wedding dance, it can be accompanied by special effects.
Smoke, possibly colored, soap bubbles, even fireworks, contact the experts, and your wedding dance will become a real show.
Be sure to think about the photos and videos of this important moment, so that it remains not only in your memory, but also on an additional medium for many years.